Monday, May 23, 2011

Anybody know?

Hey so I found this kid in a library (which is where I am right now) that's near my house in Chicago passed out and he won't wake up and he looks pretty bad. I found a notebook in the pocket of his hoodie that had the password and URL for this blog and also some weird notes (probably stuff for the blog I guess?) and like a few pictures in it and stuff. I'm not really sure what to do but it seems like there's a lot of people on here, whatever it is (I think I've heard of Slenderman but I'm not really into that stuff), so does anybody know who this person is? They have no ID or anything and they look like they could use help since he's been here since I got here hours ago and hasn't moved.


- He is wearing a yellow hoodie, blue ripped jeans, and black boots
- He is about 5'4", white, with longish hair (it's super dirty so I can't really tell if it's really dark or not)
- His neck is bruised, but not like it's been strangled. Really weird.
- On him was the note book, a photo of a boy with a red beard and lots of tattoos, a knife (box opener kind of thing), and a piece of rope
- The weirdest thing is he has like these plastic bands, like the kind you get at a hospital, on his wrist but like they're all worn and you can't really read any of it. The things I can make out on it are 'Risk', on the tightest band, the next band is almost completely white except for some numbers or something I think, and the the next is the oldest looking and just has 'M. S' and then is all white

He looks like he's in pretty bad shape. I'll probably take him to the hospital and then to my house. If anybody knows him I would really like the information. Maybe somebody could come pick him up? He looks like a run away. I just moved here so this is kind of weird for me. Any information would be great. Thanks.

- Bondie


  1. Is he okay?

    Alright, that being said, drop him at the hospital. But you don't need any more information than that.

  2. I have to agree with Jean. Just get him the help he needs, and then leave. You don't need to get involved.


  3. Holy crap...

    Yeah, get him to a hospital. Please.

    I hope he's alright...

  4. Oh thank to the Lord! Good to know he is still with us.

  5. Who is he though? I'm reading this and I guess he's a writer? A writing street kid is kind of weird. I think I'm gonna take him to Mercy. Seriously though I need information. Like his name and stuff would be good.

  6. ...

    He is just a wandering artist, who writes stories and had made many fans and friends online in the process. One day he just didn't logged on, and like half year had passed like that, we were worried for him.


    ..We cant afford too many information sorry.

  7. He's pretty mysterious about that kinda stuff dude. To be honest I think the best thing for you to do is take the kid to hospital, go home and try to forget about this. DO NOT LOOK IN HIS NOTEBOOK. trust me, you don't want to get too into this.

  8. Bondie: All you need to know is that he needs to get to a hospital. Most of us would not like to give any more information about it, but please understand that it is for the best.

  9. Oh, you people and your reverse psychology... Seriously.

    Dunno what's in the notebook, but it's probably some drawings and sketches to go with the story he's writing. He adds pictures and things sometimes.

  10. Yeah, just close the notebook , I dont like when people tell the stories before you actually ended reading them...

  11. You always gave me hope M. Don't you lay there and die on me. You are the reason I haven't gone insane yet.

  12. Bondie, is it? Yes, take good care of him. We all need him very, very much.

  13. He is alive, yes? Make sure he stays that way.

  14. He's a persistent bugger, isn't he?

    And people claim that cockroaches would survive the apocalypse. Hah!

  15. Good to see the boy is safe. Blondie, please get M some medical assistance. Once he is safely patched up, part ways. He is a perfectly nice fellow, but he has some...unsavory people that follow closely behind. Its unsafe to be in his presence for too long.

  16. Heheheh, yeah, it's VERY unsafe being near this one. Can't believe the bastard ain't dead yet.

    Get better soon M-baby, we're always watching.


  17. So he's a writer? That's cool but putting 'unknown' on everything was sort of weird at the hospital. Does anybody know his name besides just M? I started reading the notebook. Not much of it makes sense. Like I said not really into this Slenderman stuff. I'm not trying to ruin this story or whatever I just need more information later I think. I took him to the hospital and they IVed him and stuff I think. Why would people be surprised he's alive? What sort of bad people are following him? If this a drug thing I need to know. Also does anybody know who the kid in this photo is? On the back in says 'S. R. Risk'.

  18. "NOOOOOO! You mustn't read from the BOOK!!"

    Sweet Mummy reference~ That is going to amuse me all night. Thanks for that, Fear Folamh~

    Glad to hear he's finally turned up. We were getting worried. Don't listen to the majority of these morons - M's just an underground, unnoticed writer, as are we all. Some of us don't know when to drop the act though. Just be sure to get M to a hospital. You have our thanks.

  19. He doesn't seem to unnoticed but yeah that makes sense I guess. How old is he? I got him to a hospital like I said. Is there anybody who can come pick him up or anything? does he have parents or family I can call? Yeah he is small. I thought he was a girl when I saw him but realized he was a guy from the blog.

  20. Dunno how old he is, actually. Most likely somewhere between 16 and 20 though. And he's technically homeless, which is why we all started getting worried. Normally he's pretty good about posting every month or so, but when he disappeared for four... yeah.

    But yeah, no drugs or abnormal conditions he's ever mentioned to us. Just a regular guy who occassionally visits an Apple store to further a hobby.

  21. "Unnoticed" as in not a publish author.

    I'd suggest just letting him be, really. He's the loner type anyway. I'm sure he greatly appreciates your help and we all thank you for letting us know he's still there. But really there isn't much else you can do.

  22. Here is what you should do buddy. Drop him off at the nearest Police Station and let THEM take care of him.

  23. Ok that's good. I don't want to pick up any junkies. You guys must really like his writing to follow him so closely. Guess this Slenderman stuff is serious! Haha I'm gonna pick him up from the hospital tomorrow since they said that was when he'd be good to go.

  24. Hospital.

    No arguments. The kid's hurt, ain't he? That's the priority here. Get him to the damn hospital, or live with the consequences of waiting.

  25. ...oh, no. You're kidding me.

    Unfortunately, he never gave us an identity beyond "M." That said, I think we might be able to figure something out. First of all, see if the guy in the picture looks like M at all (let's at least call him M just to give him a name). If he does, that's probably his brother. If so, his brother's probably named M. S. Risk (see if they can check for one, by the way...he's probably deceased). If the guy looks like M at all, that's probably his brother, and Risk is probably his last name.

    -Don't Shoot The Messenger-

  26. Oh, damn it.

    He wouldn't want you to get any more involved than you already are, anyway.


  27. So now he's in the house resting (he came back with my since I did foot the bill for his hospital stuff). He seems ok, though the nurses said he was kind of rude. He didn't talk to me much when we walked home. Also he's on my roof with a futon. Is that like a weird writer thing? The guy in the picture doesn't look like M at all. He's tall, and big, and red haired with glasses. Also I've been reading this blog and wasn't M's brother named Tim? Or is that just in the story? See that's what I'm confused about. Is this like a self insert story or is M the character this guy writes about or is he M and the character is different? Or is this like suppose to be real like seedeater?


    Near the bottom.

  29. I'll tell him somebody needs him when he wakes up. It's cold outside I don't get why he wants to sleep on the roof.

  30. He is like that, he donst like to stay in short places for the night. He says tall places make him feel safe, you know?

    Maybe I know a place he could stay, but you will need to ask him directly if he wants to go.
    Say him about a 'runner Hospital shelter' he might know what you mean by the word 'runner' (old joke of him).

    em.. where are you? are you near southern america? If so he could go alone pretty easy.

  31. Oh dear lord, Rayne. The guy just got out of the fucking hospital. Just give him some space for a while and go to someone else with your problems.

  32. Heheh. Good to know he'll be alright. I honestly didn't know whether it was a self-insert story or not, but from your description, it seems like it is. XD

  33. Yeah the runners and stuff like in the blog right? It's the rule to stay up high right? Does he like really believes these rules? I'm in Chicago so not too near the south. He's been in my bath room for a while. any messages you guys want me to give him?

  34. Just let him know that a great deal of people miss him and his stories. His use of metaphor and imagery is quite unique amongst writers. Really a special man, he is.

  35. What? Why would you take a homeless kid you just found in the library to your house? That's the weird part.

  36. Also that if he needs any help with his future writing he can count with all of us.

  37. Ok I'll let him know. Yeah I guess it is kind of weird but people here say he's ok and when I came here I said I would help anybody who needed it.

  38. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for the humanitarian effort but picking up an armed homeless kid who has obviously been in some confrontation? If I were doing that I would have him checked by the police first or something, or cross reference missing persons reports. I don't know. Something.

  39. armed like how? -.-
    I dont remember hearing anything about a gun or something.

  40. Obviously, he has arms.
    Excuse the un-funny joke.

    Oh, and could you tell M that Robert's Story has gone from crazy to completely bananas? Thank you very much.

  41. He had a boxcutter I guess. I know it's not the most intimidating thing out there but it still has a blade on it. Like I said I'm all for helping people, I was homeless myself for a while and I know what kind of prejudice you run up against, I'm just suggesting peppering in some caution as well for one's own personal safety.

  42. Yeah maybe not the most well thought of thing ever but like I wasn't sure what else to do.

  43. Or maybe you just aren't exactly who you say you are. Too much coincidental behavior going around.

    I just can't understand 1 thing: How can all this guys, called runners, be so STUPID to roleplay this Shit?!??!?!!!

  45. It doesn't happen to everyone, "Zeak," and it doesn't always happen right away. Sometimes the Infection has to fester a bit... Now would you please step away and stop calling us liars and frauds, thanks.

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